Member of the Month: Amber Yzaguirre

Member of the Month: Amber Yzaguirre

Name: Amber Yzaguirre
Title: Project Manager
Company: Orr Holdings, Ltd.


1. How did you get to Austin?
Luckily I had friends here that invited me to visit back in 2000 – I fell in love and pretty much my first day in Austin was my last day in Lubbock (my hometown) and I’ve been here ever since!

2. Why did you join the AYC?
It seemed like a really exciting opportunity to get more involved with the community and volunteer work – and it has been just that. I found exactly what I was looking for through AYC’s Leadership Service Committee. I’m happy to say that I’m a charter member so I have been able to watch AYC get better every year!

3. What is your favorite lunch spot?
I absolutely love Ranch 616 and North Italia – usually the two places I recommend for lunch meetings.

4. If you could have any super power, what would it be and what would you use it for?
I’d love to be able to fly so I could travel with ease around the world!

5. If you could have any celebrity live next door to you, who would it be?
Robert Plant

6. What are your top 3 things to do/see in Austin?
Eeyore’s Birthday – one of my favorite days of the year!
ACL Live or Stubb’s – seeing love music is my favorite hobby.
Food – South Congress Cafe, Sullivan’s, East Side King to name a few.

7. If you played hooky for a day, where would we find you?
On a boat on Lake Austin.

8. When people ask you what you do for a living, what do you tell them?
I am a project manager for an oil and gas company.

9. What do you think is the best invention in the past 50 years?
As a Type 1 diabetic, I have to say insulin!

10. Who was your first Facebook friend?
I’m pretty sure it was Kelly Mosser – that’s how I found out about Facebook in 2006.

11. If you couldn’t live in Austin, where would you want to live?
New York City – my favorite place to be!

One Comment

  1. Kim Gerlich

    Well deserved Amber. You passion always shines through. Congrats my love!!!


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